
Imparare a progettare correttamente le pagine web agency Milano. Web agency Milano agency Milano

05/09/2015 17:58


Il modo in cui il sito è progettato influenza l’opinione che i visitatori si faranno sullo stesso La maggior parte delle persone sono “soggetti” visivi e formuleranno un giudizio immediato su un sito web agency Milano basato sul suo aspetto e come tutto è disposto. Quelli che seguono sono alcuni punti chiave che vi permetteranno di progettare il vostro sito web agency Milano in modo tale da fare la giusta impressione sui vostri ospiti.

Grafica corretta: Non ci dovrebbero essere assolutamente incoerenza quando si tratta di grafica del tuo sito web agency Milano , assicuratevi di dimensionare / definire tutti gli elementi grafici e le immagini sul tuo sito in modo corretto. Ottimizzare le immagini e il design del vostro sito web agency Milano è importante per migliorarne le prestazioni e fare in modo che svetti sulla concorrenza. Le pagine web agency Milano che hanno immagini buone e della giusta dimensione vengono caricate in modo più veloce. Una buona impostazione grafica non migliorerà soltanto il look del vostro sito web agency Milano, ma permetterà che questi funzioni perfettamente in tutti i browser. Immagini di dimensioni adeguate riducono il carico di lavoro del proprio browser e velocizzano i tempi di caricamento. Se si guarda intorno, la maggior parte dei siti di successo sanno come mantenere i loro disegni semplici. La decisione finale in merito al design dipende dal vostro sito e dagli scopi per cui è prefissato. Non è giusto dire che la semplicità è sempre il modo migliore per creare un sito funzionale e efficace. Non c’è una massima valida per tutti i siti, abbiamo visto siti molto semplici che sono diventati realmente importanti. Pensate a come monetizzare il vostro sito con degli annunci e personalizzate la grafica in base a questo. La linea di fondo è che dovete creare il sito in base alle vostre necessità. Noi ci limitiamo a dare soltanto dei suggerimenti.

Naturalmente è necessario assicurarsi che il contenuto sia sempre la parte più importante del vostro sito. Un sito che fa grande uso di animazioni Flash sta solo cercando di impressionare la gente. L'uso di Flash può essere accettabile per alcuni tipi di siti, ma noi ti consigliamo di non usarlo.

Ci sono cose come la velocità che devono essere prese in considerazione, se siete davvero determinati ad usare Flash per il vostro sito. Una pagina Flash ormai è qualcosa di datato e non si usa più molto spesso. Ci sono un sacco di persone che preferiscono evitare di utilizzare Flash, in modo che un link esterno al contenuto può essere una buona idea. Pensiamo che la maggior parte dei web agency Milano designer non sono mai del tutto soddisfatti del loro lavoro, perché sempre vedono cose che vogliono migliorare. In generale, la struttura del sito deve soddisfare il vostro prodotto / servizio e la demografia di mercato.

Consigli semplici per semplice della traslochi Milano

05/09/2015 10:38

Essere molto attenti e metodica quando si stanno preparando a traslochi Milano in una nuova casa con traslochi Milano è imperativo Scoprire che hai dimenticato qualcosa di veramente importante, il giorno in movimento can come traslochi Milano, non è qualcosa che si vuole fare . Traslochi Milano in un altro luogo può essere abbastanza semplice se si fa tutto a destra . È possono usufruire dei suggerimenti che stiamo condividendo in questo articolo, se si prevede di spostare presto

Various se avete intenzione di traslochi Milano in una nuova casa con traslochi Milano forniture in movimento show up traslochi Milano sarà richiesto Assicuratevi di avere le scatole di traslochi Milano di immagazzinaggio abbastanza o contenitori a. inserire tutti i vostri beni La gente di solito non si rendono conto di quante caselle di cui avranno bisogno per muoversi .. Questa è los angeles ragione che si dovrebbe ottenere una sospensione di più che si ritengono necessarie .. Low con traslochi Milano le cose in scatole di traslochi Milano che cadono a pezzi . acchiappare nuove scatole di traslochi Milano da un movimento come traslochi Milano o attività di imballaggio . Potrebbero anche il desiderio di andare in un negozio di forniture for each ufficio e comprare alcuni contenitori di stoccaggio che sono più durevoli bagagli possono anche rivelarsi utile in each lo spostamento molti oggetti (consiglio di traslochi Milano) . Assicuratevi di avere tanto quanto sarà necessario, low importa quello che userete for every con traslochi Milano le vostre cose

Se si dispone di roba vecchia che no si desidera più più, ci sono alcune ragioni for each cui low si dovrebbe portarlo . Se lasciate i vostri articoli alla bottom level di questo low si vuole, il vostro viaggio sarà molto più facile lungo la strada Si può mettere qualche soldo in più in. tasca, che può aiutare con le spese in movimento come traslochi Milano . Arrived sbarazzarsi di roba vecchia, e iniziare los angeles tua nuova vita, vi aiuteremo a rendere questa transizione che la mossa rappresentativa . Avrete davvero bisogno di avere oggetti (consiglio di traslochi Milano) ingombranti, e se si può sbarazzarsi di loro, che renderà il vostro viaggio più facile . E 'facile sbarazzarsi delle vostre cose in un cantiere di vendita o storage vendita nella vostra zona . Più basso è il prezzo, più velocemente si vendono . Potreste pubblicità su Craigslist, o un giornale normale, every sbarazzarsi di oggetti (consiglio di traslochi Milano) più preziosi .

Quando l'imballaggio, assicuratevi di farlo in un modo che proteggerà tutti i tuoi averi . Non trascurare la tua specified da cucina del valore e mobili quando sei imballaggio Questo è il motivo che dovrebbe raccogliere un sacco di materiale isolante prima di muoversi.

Tutto da asciugamani e coperte in each pluriball e quotidiani può aiutare impacchettare tutto in modo sicuro, e non lasciare spazio for every le cose a muoversi. Esplorazione delle finestre Se stai usando una società in movimento come traslochi Milano, che sarà sperimentato quando si tratta di oggetti, impossibile con traslochi Milano, di carico e la salvaguardia li Ma è ancora los angeles vostra responsabilità di impacchettare tutto in modo sicuro, in quanto vi sono tenuti advertisement essere asperità della strada. come i vostri beni sono trasportati

Si dovrebbe almeno avere le vostre priorità casa con traslochi Milano delocalizzazione al just fine dopo aver letto questo articolo .. Un sacco di cose deve ottenere fatto in each un movimento originate traslochi Milano regolare a accadere, e in ultima analisi soggiornare lungo la pianificazione . For every coloro che hanno messo in atto dei piani e fare le liste, questo non sarà un processo travolgente . Fare le cose nel modo giusto sarà rapidamente hai stabilirsi nella vostra nuova sistemazione abitativa

Tungsten Rings – Its Advantages and Disadvantages

01/09/2015 07:11

In this era, as the time is passing, beauty accessories are gaining more and more importance. You may be thinking of it being natural to women, but these beauty accessories have even reached the world of men. You may see almost every adult male wearing a necklace, or at least a ring. Tungsten rings have recently hit the market and are getting more and more popular. The reason behind this is that they are strong, durable (since tungsten is an alloy) and are available in a variety of designs.

You may also want to own one, but do you know the advantages of these rings? Well, if you do not, you have come to the right article. In this article, you will get to know about the advantages and disadvantages of these tungsten rings.


·         Are strong and durable: Tungsten is an alloy which gives it some special features. One of its characteristic is that it is very strong and durable. Because of this, these rings do not bend under any circumstances. They are also scratch-resistant, i.e., scratches cannot come on them very easily. Moreover, they also do not lose their attractive lustre very easily. These make these rings highly popular among those men who have to do heavy-duty work in their jobs. Thus, these rings appear to be brand-new, no matter who uses them.

·         No allergic reactions: If you have a sensitive skin, this ring is best for you. Do you want to know why? This is because these rings have a nature of being hypoallergenic. Thus, they are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction on your skin.

·         No maintenance charge required: As mentioned earlier, tungsten rings do not lose their lustre for a long time when polished. This reduces their maintenance charge to about zero. You can compare this to the maintenance charges of the gold, silver and platinum rings, which require regular polishing to be done.

·         Are inexpensive: Tungsten is an alloy that can be made very easily as compared to mining of gold, silver or platinum. This makes it an extremely inexpensive element. Thus, you can afford tungsten rings very easily.


·         Are heavy: Although tungsten rings are very strong and durable, they are really very much heavy, thus making you feel a bit uncomfortable when you wear it for a long time. This drives more and more people to buy titanium rings instead of those of tungsten because titanium rings are quite light and also have characteristics similar to those of tungsten rings.

·         Hard to engrave on: Since these rings are very hard, it becomes very hard to engrave on them. This makes it difficult to engrave on them in a traditional way. You need to take help of lasers to engrave on them.

·         Does not give the royal look: If you are seeking for a royal look, this ring is not meant for you. If you have a bit high budget, you will probably prefer gold and platinum rings over tungsten rings, for they do not give that so-called royal look to you. However, this is not a good reason for rejecting them.

·         Cannot be re-sized: As tungsten is a very hard metal, you cannot resize these rings. If you experience size problems, you would have to replace your ring with a new one.

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Resoling of shoes for climbing

25/08/2015 12:12

Climbing shoes are basically some special sort of footwear, that are supposed to be designed for climbing rocks and mountains sometimes. Typically, the shoes for climbing are supposed to be having a close fit (in case of padding it is little); moreover, they are smooth and have a sole that is made up of a sticky type of rubbery material. There is an extended rand of rubber with the rubbery sole. Climbing shoes are not suitable for walking as well as for to go on tracks for hiking. They are supposed to be worn at the spot where the climbing is to be started. They need some care to be worn and climbing shoe resole is an important thing.

What actually resoling is?

In climbing shoe resole, what actually involves is to remove the sole’s half side from the front and then to replace it with some sort of new suitable rubber of your own choice. Mostly, in a lot of the cases, just the replacement of half of the sole is required and is supposed to be enough; however full resoling can be done if needed.

Climbing shoe resole is supposed to be very cheap in comparison to the case of buying new shoes for climbing. Moreover, there is no need for doing the difficult work to wear the newer climbing shoes once again. With this, the shoes which were considered to be broken can be got back; they are ready to be worn to go for climbing and are sticky as required. Another advantage is that the rubber that is to be used in resoling would be selected by you and it would be of your own choice; it would obviously the one that would be thought to be the best by you.

Time to go for resoling

First of all, it is a better idea to go for climbing shoe resole at an earlier time than to wait for longer. If you go for resoling at the right time, it would be something cheaper for you and your shoes will get a longer life. You need to check the area around the toe which is made up of rubber; this is the main area which is sensitive and needs to be checked for resoling. If the rubber in the region of toe is such that it is supposed to be about 75% thinner than the remaining parts, then it is the right time to go for the resoling. Risk should not be taken and resoling should be done at the earlier stage; if you do not go for it and the time passes than you probably more about us have to go for new climbing shoes, so yeah.


Materials for making holds for climbing

25/08/2015 12:11



Introduction to holds for climbing

Climbing holds are basically some sort of grids that are shaped in a particular way and are attached to a wall for climbing so that the person climbing that wall becomes able for stepping on it. On most of the walls, the holds are supposed to be arranged in a particular path which is known as route (mostly by the trained setters of routes). There are a lot of different sizes as well as shapes of the holds for climbing so that different challenge levels can be provided to the person who is climbing the wall. The holds can either be fixed by bolting or by being screwed.

Materials used in early times

A lot of different materials are known to be used for making climbing holds some of which are as follows:

  • Different kinds of woods
  • Different kinds of resins
  • Different kinds of rocks
  • Other materials

The details about the materials are given below.

Woods and rocks

In the early times, the climbing holds were supposed to be made up of rocks of real sort that were casted in the very hard blocks (concreted). Later on some other ideas were implemented and the rocks were used in which holes were drilled so that there could be a way for attaching them to the climbing wall. The holds made up of rocks are obviously heavy in weight and are not easy to be manufactured as well.

Another material used for making climbing holds in the early days was wood. The main reasons for wood to be used for this purpose were its less price and ease for it to be carved in different shapes. It is used even today in houses for making different types of hand holds. An advantage for using wood holds is that they can be grabbed smoothly; however, there are noticed some problems in splintering with the passage of time; moreover they are difficult for being washed.


In the earlier times, most of the climbing holds manufacturing companies kept on using the mixtures of resins for their production. With the help of resins that are supposed mixed with other resins are able to make a hold that is considered to be very durable; however, it can become brittle with the passage of time. The edges of the holds made up of resins are not supposed to be flexible so they can crack with more ease; it can happen in the case when they are tightened on such a wall which is not flat entirely.

There can be used a lot of other materials as well, for making the climbing holds. The holds must be durable and a bit flexible visit more


Advantages Of Using Professional Window Cleaning Services

25/08/2015 12:10



Windows is an essential part of a room in a house or building. Apart from having great appearance windows also serve the purpose of light in and letting air. But it only looks good if they are clear. There are lots of companies offers window cleaning services like st george window cleaning in all over the world. They offer window cleaning services at the reasonable price. You can also clean your home window by yourself, but there are several places in your window that is hard to reach. So if you don’t want to take any chances just hire an experienced professional window cleaner to clean your window properly. They used several tools, equipment and chemicals to clean your window that makes your window shine. There are several advantages of using professional window cleaning services that mentioned niche.


In a window cleaning company has experienced staff that cleans your window in the proper way. They also clean hard to reach places by using tools in the office, buildings, and multi-storied homes.

Professional companies like st george window cleaning have the best quality of modern equipment and they also trained their staffs how to use them to clean window properly.

In the unavailability of this equipment, it is very difficult to clean the window on the hard reach places and also be risky. If you hire an office cleaner then it may you have to pay a lot in compensation should they injured during they working. But when you hire a professional window cleaner, then it is eliminated because in the case of professional window cleaner the customer would not be liable if any accident occur.  

Instead of having the means of security and safety to reach high windows, they also trained to clean the windows by pressure washing. Pressure washing done using the pressure medium that is best to get glass sparkling clean. But the interesting thing is that will not damage other properties.

The services that provided by a professional window cleaner included both internal and external side of windows. Professional window cleaner have cleaners that are register to observe discretion as part of their norm of services.

There are several companies available in the worldwide and the amount that they charged is differed from each other. To check detail and price that charged by a specific company, visit over the internet and browse the company. If you are looking for a professional window cleaner company like st george window cleaning then choose the one who offers their services at the reasonable price. Check in detail those services that you needed. A few companies charge more for very high windows, hard to reach while others charge as per their standard rates.

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Tortenaufsatz zur Hochzeit als Geschenk

22/08/2015 13:39



Tortenaufsätze machen große Freude. Die Geschmacksrichtungen, Design und Thema sind endlos variabel. Die Menschen sind immer berührt, ein tortenaufsatz Hochzeit Geschenke, persönlich zu empfangen. Die Zeit und Mühe, die es kostet, sie herzustellen.

Backen ist nicht ganz einfach, weil es sich um präzise Messungen handelt . Aber es ist leicht, den Dreh mit konstanter Praxis zu bekommen. Und, wenn Sie lernen, Ihre Freunde und Familie wird auf jeden Fall gerne über Ihre hausgemachten süßen Desserts.

Die meisten Kuchen als Geschenke sind rund, gut für 12 bis 16 Portionen. Das ist etwa 5 Pfund. Sie können aber auch Kuchen backen in quadratischen oder rechteckigen Pfannen. Schokoladen-Fantasie-Kuchen sind einer der beliebtesten. Fast jeder liebt Schokolade. Es ist immer wieder die Kinder begeistern. Einige Erwachsene werden auch Schokolade beliebt gemacht. Sie können Schokoladenstückchen innen setzen. Manche bevorzugen Futter es mit Erdbeere für eine Mischung von Säure und Süße.

Der Roter Samt-Kuchen ist ein Schokoladen Vielfalt, klassisch und glatt wie Samt. Es verfügt über eine südliche Note. Es hat eine reiche, rote und milden Schokoladengeschmack mit Frischkäse gekrönt.

Der Schokoladenkuchen hat einen dicken fudge frosting mit Chip und Streuseln. Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte ist eine leichte, feuchten Schokoladenkuchen in zwei Schichten. Eine Puddingschicht mit Sahne, Kirschen und Schokospänen gefüllt.

Das Schokoladen-Himbeer-Torte ist ein feuchter Kuchen mit Himbeerfüllung und mit Fudge gekrönt. Die Chocolate Fudge Rum Cake eine dreischichtige Licht feuchter Kuchen mit Walnüssen und Fudge gefüllt. Schokoladentrüffelkuchen ist semi-süß mit Ganache. Und die Rocky Road Kuchen besteht aus drei Schokoladensorten mit Chips, Nüssen und Marshmallow gemacht.

Neben Schokolade Fantasie Kuchen, auch Mousse Kuchen köstlich. Sie sind sehr reich und cremig.

Das Schokoladen-Mousse Supreme ist ein Bestseller mit vielen Schokoladenaroma. Chante Éclair ist ein Schokoladenmousse mit Himbeeren auf und Gelee Rollen an den Seiten. Strawberry Mousse Supreme hat cremig Erdbeere mit weißer Schokolade, Sahne zwischen zwei Schichten von Vanille aromatisiert Biskuit.

Das Baileys Espresso Sahnekuchen ist dreischichtige Vanille-Kuchen mit Baileys-Mousse und Espressocreme. Banana Chocolate Mousse hat Bananen und dicke Beläge von Schokolade. Auf der anderen Seite, sind weiße Freude Kuchen leicht und locker. Die beliebteste Sorte ist die Strawberry Short Kuchen. Es ist Schlagsahne Streichen Mischungen von Erdbeerfüllung in Vanille Chiffon.

Die Haselnuss Torte ist ein nussig, zweilagigen Kuchen mit Himbeeren und Pralinen Buttercreme an der Spitze. Coconut Layer Cake hat Vanille Chiffon mit Buttercreme und Flocken von Kokos gerade wie ein Schneeball gefüllt. Mocha Raspberry Walnut Kuchen ist mit drei Schichten von Vanille Biskuit mit Himbeeren und Mokka Buttercreme gefüllt, mit Walnüssen und Wirbel an den Seiten. Der Sunny Lemon Layer Cake ist drei Schichten von Vanille Biskuitkuchen mit Zitronen Toppings.

 Käsekuchen sind Gourmet-Kuchen von Käse, Sahne und Eiern. Die häufigsten sind Kürbis-Käsekuchen, Karotten Gewürz Käsekuchen, und New York Style Sahne Käsekuchen.

Gourmet-Geschenk-Präsentationen gibt es in Designer-Sets und Pakete, die als dauerhafte Erinnerung dienen. Sie können in Blechdosen, Körbe oder Kisten / Türme platziert werden.

For more visit site

Importance of Nurses in the society

20/08/2015 14:29



A nurse is such a person who got training for giving care to those people who are ill, injured or whatever. Nurses are such that they work along with doctors and other sort of workers who work in different centers of health care for making patients to get well and for keeping them fit as well as healthy. Nurses also provide help to the people who need the end-of-life requirements and they also help the other people like the family members of a patient who need them. There are different types of training sessions for nurses and different degrees after which they are presented with different pins like BSN pins, RN pins, etc.

Degrees and training sessions for nurses

A lot of nurses can go for different degree program or different training sessions since there are variety of schools or nursing institutions that are available for the nurses. For example BS in nursing is one of such degrees after which a nurse is considered to have completed her undergraduate degree. After getting done with BS, nurses are given BSN pins which show that they have completed their degree. Another training session for nursing is the one that after its completion, the nurse is called a Registered Nurse. At this stage the nurses are given RN pins which show that they have completed their training for becoming registered nurses.

Nursing Ceremonies

There are a lot of schools and institutions for nurses for their training and education. There are different sorts of events organized at such schools for different purposes just like in other schools. There is a grand ceremony as well that is organized once a year for presenting the nurses pins after getting done with their education; this ceremony is called nursing pinning ceremony. A lot of different arrangements are made for this ceremony and sometimes all the nurses sing the nightingale pledge together which gives a very graceful sense. Other events are such that the nurses are given other pins like BNS pins, RN pins, etc.

Nursing is a very good profession and nurses must be saluted, since they sacrifice their whole lives in serving the people and helping them who need their care; therefore they must be highly respected. The different that are given to the nurses like RN pins or BNS pins act as the badges for the nurses and they show the schools or training centers sometimes, from which the nurses graduated. It is a matter of great honor for a nurse to complete her training and education and start practicing her job. Nurses wear certain type of uniform that makes them unique from the other people and they can be identified easily visit more


Effective Factors for building a Company

20/08/2015 14:22

Effective Factors for building a Company


The real estate companies like st george utah real estate are those companies which likes to deal with the properties consisting lands, and building. Almost, every business has to face certain types of ups and downs in their business. To move out with the situation, you need a clear cut strategy.

•    Selecting investor type

First decide which type of real estate investor, you want to become. The one real estate investor is that who flips houses by buying houses and taking them on rent. You can also become the investor, who likes to rent out rooms only in the house. The other option is to rent out the house in the apartment.  To do so you can take the apartment and keep them on rent. You can also decide whether, you want to rent the house to the individuals or to the commercial clients.

  • Look for investor

To give smooth flow to your real estate business like st george utah real estate, you must look out for a financier. In this account, you can take the loan from the bank or attempt to buy the huge amount of money from the individual person on the interest rate. A large amount of money can help you to buy the property at the bulk level.  To make the business in the good position, most of the investor make use of mortgage financing program. This financing program provides three to five years, an adjustable rate which has the low interest rate. To get these types loan you must have good credit history.

  • Reliable retailer

Instead of hiring real estate agent you can look for a reliable realtor. The st george utah real estate agent will help you buying and selling the house while reliable retailer can help with many services. Their service can save your time as well as your money. They are able to handle most of your work and can easily coordinate with your investors. They can also act as the bridge between you and other party members.

  • Looking out properties

 You need to find properties to give an easy start to your business. You need to purchase the properties like building, homes, and lands. The st george utah real estate says that, before buying the property for your business purpose, you should look out all the criteria of the property. To exactly know the condition of the property, you can look out the nearby surrounding and can ask from the people. The other factor that you need to look out are what are the new construction made in the area like retail store, transport facility, safety and security of the area, and the quality schools around the area.

•    Featuring your business

Find the team member that are reliable and more about us can work with you for a long time. Most of the investors like to add new features to their business, in order to make more money from their business

Skiing in Salt Lake City

20/08/2015 14:21

Skiing in Salt Lake City


Geography of Salt Lake City

 The Salt Lake City is situated in the corner of northeast side of the Valley of Salt Lake that is supposed to be surrounded by Great Salt Lake to the north-western side and there are steep mountain ranges in the east and south-western sides. The mountains that encircle the city contain several type of glacial as well as stream carved and narrow canyons. In short, the city is mountainous and is suitable for skiing; so Salt Lake City Skiing is very famous among a lot of people who are interested in such stuff.

Skiing is basically such an activity which is very well-known for recreation and is also a competitive sport that takes place in the winter season. Skis are used by the participants for gliding on the snow. There are a lot of different competitive events for skiing that are supposed to be recognized world-wide. There are different types of skiing like Nordic, Alpine, Tele-mark, etc. The main requirement for skiing is the presence of snow which gets a bit harder as it gets denser. So the areas where snow is present in the winter season in abundance are the most suitable for skiing; therefore, Salt Lake City Skiing is popular, as the region is full of snow in the winters, since it is a mountainous area.

About the Skiing in Salt Lake City

Every year there is about five hundred inches of snow which is supposed to be the driest and is present in the lightest powder form in the area of Salt Lake City, on average. There are a lot of different resorts that are supposed to be situated in the lake effect’s path in the city perfectly; lake effect is basically a special phenomenon of the snow of Utah. When there comes the season of winters in Utah, there is a combination of air that is very cold and it blows across the Salt Lake City. The dry air of Utah causes now in an amount which is considered to be incredible for falling in the canyons; there the resorts are located for the people to stay who visit this place and enjoy the whole scene. Utah is considered to be having the greatest snow on the Earth and thus it attracts a lot of skiers from the whole world for making the tracks which are fresh in such a type of fluffy and deep powder. Therefore, a lot of skiers prefer to go for Salt Lake City Skiing.

Ski Presorts in Salt Lake City

The people who do not seem to be ready for Salt Lake City Skiing can go to the resorts for detail that have a lot of grooming equipment for packing down the slopes which are supposed to be smooth for the skiers for carving their turns. For those skiers who claim themselves to be ready for the skiing, the groomed slopes make a soft type of cushion with dry and fluffy powder for the case if somebody falls down.


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